About Naveen Krishna Pandikkadavil
I am a recent MSc Humanitarian Engineering graduate, and a passionate engineer trying to solve the world’s biggest challenges through socially appropriate technology. Partnering with Engineers Without Borders UK, my dissertation project focussed on transitioning their flagship - Engineering for People (EfP) design challenge into a storytelling initiative. I am the co-founder and design head of 'Kommuniti' - an organisation working towards democratising and decentralising development; I work with diverse community stakeholders such as NGOs, academia, CSRs etc to identify sustainability challenges and co-create solutions for communities at climate risk. Previously, as a Research Associate at the International Centre for Technological Innovations, I designed and developed small-scale wind turbine prototypes for reliable energy supply during disaster rescue and rehabilitation. I oversaw the centre's Technology Transfer initiatives and published 3 research papers on the application of distributed energy networks.
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Naveen Krishna Pandikkadavil In 3 Questions
People and Communities