About Sejal Jinturkar
Hi! My name is Sejal. I am from Tennessee, USA but my family was born and raised in India. I graduated in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I am currently pursuing a master's in development engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. I am passionate about using my engineering background for sustainable development, and I am especially interested in mechanics, energy, data science, and product development/management. In my free time, I love to read historical fiction, try new foods, travel, and watch TV.
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Sejal Jinturkar In 3 Questions
The women around me inspire me. I currently live in the Bay Area. Through my time here, I have met so many women who have fought through challenges in corporate, private, public, and development spaces. These women have positively impacted many people in and outside their organization and have helped move their company forward. Many women have come from a similar background as me, and they have very successful careers. They inspire me to be the best version of myself to have a successful career, so my work may also positively impact others.
I strongly believe that there is not one specific technology that fits every type of sustainable development need. Instead, critical technology is instead one that considers the community's needs. The solution may be specific to one region or area and may not even be useful at a different location that is nearby. Whatever technology you plan to implement, you must place the community at the forefront of your priorities.
My real-life superpower is that I am extremely organized. My calendar, to-do lists, and prioritization lists are my secret to life, and I do not know where I would be without using them.