Design Your Product for Manufacturability and High Quality
The transition from prototyping into production is a huge step for…
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In my work I try to cover the full gamut of "technology," from working with villages in developing countries to advising multi-nationals on how to lay out their far-flung factories for optimal efficiency. I live in Geneva, Switzerland now, arriving here from the San Francisco area where I worked in medical device development and learned to help the world through Engineers Without Borders and Catapult Design. Through them I have been fortunate enough to work with communities all over the world, advising in such areas as biomass powered electricity microgrids (India), ruggedized wheelchair manufacturing (Indonesia and Vietnam), improved cooking stoves (Peru, Guatemala, Darfur, and more), sustainable energy for hospitals (Rwanda), better agricultural practices (Africa), improved latrines (Cambodia), and financing mechanisms for renewable energy projects (Costa Rica). Before that, I worked in China for 2 years manufacturing rare earth permanent magnets for Magnequench International - a fascinating experience, that gave me invaluable experiences in every aspect of manufacturing, from supply chain development to quality assurance. I came to love hands on factory physics via an unusual path, having started my career at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory, where I conducted both basic and applied research for 10 years.