Field Notes: Inside a Technical Assessment of Improved…
The work of ensuring reliable, affordable and sustainable energy access has…
1 Posts
I am an engineer in renewable energies with experience managing technical projects in field and for international organizations such as Médicines Sans Frontières and Engineering Without Borders. I have recently finished lectures in a Joint Master Programme from Polytechnical and Complutense Universities of Madrid in Tecnhnologies and Strategies for Development. Formed in generation, distribution and grid connection of renewable energy sources, along with feasibility studies, sustainable energy consumption and energy efficiency. I am passionate for applying my technical expertise in projects related to clean energy, sustainability and climate change. Some of the my major achievements: - Project management: field work planning and implementation of a technical study on energy efficiency of installed cook stoves and measurement and evaluation of indoor air quality in rural communities in Nicaragua. - Multidisciplinarity: Urban planning design for Makeni, Sierra Leone including commerce and residential areas, public spaces and services, tax policies and a template Ordinance for the city. - Multiculturality: Workshops delivery in public schools of Bangalore, India. - Technical expertise: Impact study on improved cook stoves projec for Engineers Without Borders and local NGO from Nicaragua. - Social perspectives: Report of energy-access human right protection in Nicaragua with gender perspective. I am strongly interested in transfering my academic knowledge to the professional area and strengthen my experience in the renewable energies and sustainability sector.