Five leading engineers for global development will gather on August 20 in Buffalo, New York, to discuss the impact of hardware on the problems of poverty. Can’t make it? No problem. The rest of us can listen in through a live stream and ask them our questions via Twitter. All for free. Register here.
These discussions will take place during the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Impact Forum 2014, hosted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, incidentally, is one of the founders of our organization, E4C).
Join Bob Hauck (GE Healthcare), Chris Mattson (BYU) and Samuel Hamner (D-Rev) to explore leading engineering research and design initiatives for emerging markets through “lightning talks” and an interactive panel discussion hosted by Amos Winter (MIT) and Nathan Johnson (ASU).
The event is a two-parter. First, from 12:30 to 1:30pm (ET / GMT-4), we’ll have the EGD Forum, “Meeting the Needs of ALL Customers.” Then from 3:30 to 5pm the speakers will discuss the issues in our field.
We’ll be using the conference’s Twitter hashtag #ADMIF2014. Please join the conversation and tweet your comments and questions for the panelists to respond.
We’ve put together a cheat-sheet of speeches, articles and resources to help you study for the talks and prepare good questions.
DEMAND – ASME’s Global Development Review, Spring 2014
Amos Winter: The cheap all-terrain wheelchair | TED
Sam Hamner: Jaipur Knee | TEDx San Francisco
Christopher Mattson: Design For The Developing World | TEDxBYU
Bob Hauck: MIT Global Engineering Class lecture | MIT
Nathan Johnson: Designing Sustainable Energy Systems | ASME.org video
Five questions with Sam Hamner | E4C
The D-Rev prosthetic knee designer tells us about amputees in developing countries, a pepper grinder and the folly of local manufacturing.
The Jaipur Foot redesign: Making a great prosthetic foot even better | E4C
Engineers from the United States and India are collaborating to bring the world-renowned Jaipur Foot prosthetic up to international standards.
Webinar: Engineering for the Developing World, with Amos Winter and Nathan Johnson | ASME.org
Remember to register here. See you online August 20!