December 29, 2023
Sawyer POINTOne 10” Filter
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Updated on December 29, 2023
·Created on August 27, 2015
Sawyer PointOne is a portable membrane filter with an absolute pore size of 0.1 microns that filters contaminates from water.
Sawyer PointOne filter is a 0.10 absolute micron water filter that attaches to safe water storage.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
NGOs such as: Water With Blessings and Waves for Water. Retailers such as Amazon.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include VF 100 Village Bucket Filter.
Manufacturing/Building Method
Mass produced
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Users can contact the distributor or NGO from their region.
Distributions to Date Status
As of 2021, over 1 million PointOne filters have been used globally.
Target use case
Individual use
Manufacturer-specified flow rate (L/hr)
30-100 L
Bacteria reduction
7 log
Type of membrane filtration
Virus reduction
5.5 log
Protozoa reduction
6 log
Heavy metals and/or arsenic reduction
Maximum recommended influent turbidity level (NTU)
Effluent turbidity levels (NTU)
Material of construction
Hollow Fiber
Safe water storage capacity (L)
Manufacturer-specified lifetime volume (L)
Design Specifications
Sawyer PointONE filters are hollow fiber membrane water filters. No filter pore sizes exceed 0.1 micron, which prevent harmful microplastics, bacteria, protozoa, and cysts from permeating the filter. In all filters, the fibers are fully encased to protect them from damage.
Several different kits are available for purchase that use the PointOne filter; such as the bucket adaptor kit and the 1-Gallon Gravity Filtration System. The filter may vary in size based on which product or kit is purchased, but all use the PointOne filtration technology.
Sawyer PointOne filter flow rate calculator & matrix
Sawyer PointOne filter manual
Technical Support
Technical support provided by the manufacturer. There is also a FAQs section on the website.
Replacement Components
Parts of the filter system can be replaced and are available from retailers.
10+ years, but backed by manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
Removes bacteria, protozoa, E. coli, giardia, vibrio cholerea, and salmonella typhi.
Vetted Performance Status
Removes bacteria, protozoa, E. coli, giardia, vibrio cholerea, and salmonella typhi.
A clean, food-grade bucket should be used with the bucket assembly kit, and filtered water should always be collected in a clean container as well.
Complementary Technical Systems
Bucket connection adapters and other Sawyer products
Academic Research and References
Lindquist, Erik D., George, C. M., Perin, Jamie, de Calani, Karen J. Neiswender, Norman, W. Ray, Davis Jr, Thomas P., Perry, Henry, 2014, “A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Childhood Diarrhea Using Hollow Fiber Water Filter and/or Hygiene-Sanitation Education Interventions,” ASTMH, 91, pp. 190–197
Murray, A., Goeb, M., Stewart, B., Hopper, C., Peck, J., Meub, C., Asatekin, A. & Lantagne, D., 2015, “Fouling in hollow fiber membrane microfilters used for household water treatment,” Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 5, pp. 220?228.
Website-files.com. Available: https://assets-global.website-files.com/61549f9352f3558157a226ea/635aa786eb0151a3ccdffafe_International
“Sawyer Products,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://sawyer.com/
Sawyer Products SP137 Squeeze Water Filtration System with One Pouch, Straw, and Hydration Pack Adapters,Black/Blue. https://shorturl.at/dkOX5
“Competitive landscape,” Survivor Filter. Available: https://www.survivorfilter.com/
“Goal 6,” Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
“SP129 – Sawyer Point One Squeeze Water Filter System with Two 1L Pouches,” Sawyer Direct. Available: https://sawyerdirect.net/products/sp129-sawyer-point-one-squeeze-water-filter-system-with-two-1l-pouches
“Manufacturer-specified flow rate (L/hr)” Website-files.com. Available: https://assets-global.website-files.com/61549f9352f3558157a226ea/61a78caff26c9536ee9c30cb_point-one-flow-rate-metric.pdf
“Several different kits that use the PointOne filter,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/products/one-gallon-gravity-water-filtration-system
“Squeeze Water Filtration System,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/products/squeeze-water-filtration-system
“Water Filtration,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/product-categories/water-filtration
“Lifetime Warranty,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/lifetime-warranty
“Water Product Accessories,” Sawyer Direct. Available: https://sawyerdirect.net/collections/water-product-accessories
Compliance with regulations
PointOne filters produce water that meet US-EPA standard for microorganism reduction.
Evaluation methods
Independent lab testing for the removal of bacteria and protozoan parasites.
Other Information
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