Updated on June 12, 2024


Created on July 17, 2017

Matternet M2

Matternet is an automated drone logistics system used to deliver packages ranging from medical supplies and blood samples in hard to reach locations to everyday goods within urban areas.

Tested By
  • Swiss Post Ticino EOC hospital group
Content Partners


Product Description

The Matternet M2 drone is capable of delivering a payload of up to 2 kg over a distance of up to 20km. It is designed by Matternet and currently commercialized.

Target SDGs

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Market Suggested Retail Price


Target Users (Target Impact Group)


Distributors / Implementing Organizations

  • - Matternet
  • - Swiss Post

Competitive Landscape

Direct competitors include Vayu Drones and Zipline.

Manufacturing/Building Method

Matternet publishes their open source contributions on GitHub

Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

Product can be obtained through an order on the manufacturer's website.

Distributions to Date Status


Drone type

Model: M2 V7 Quadcopter

Weight (kg)

Empty weight (with battery): 9.5 kg

Take off / Landing type


Carry case dimensions (m)


GNSS system


Flight time (hour)

15-30 minutes depending on cargo and conditions

Cruise speed (km per hour)


Battery type

Lithium-ion battery

Sensors available (Y/N)

Altimeter, accelerometer, gyrometer

Type of data collected


Drone software platform



Delivery of goods or emergency supplies

Design Specifications

Specifications: The M2 is a multi-rotor type Unmanned Aerial Vehicle capable of flying up to 20 km with a 1 kg payload (without wind). The drone has a cruise speed of 10m/s and can carry a weight of up to 2 kg. It's additional features include automatic payload and battery exchange capability, intelligent routing and monitoring, precision landing and intuitive command and control.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Provided by a UAV-specialized technician if available in area of deployment. Support is otherwise provided by the manufacturer.

Replacement Components

Replacement components can only be obtained from the manufacturer



Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

The manufacturer aims to be able to deliver goods under 2kg over distances of up to 20 kilometers (12 miles) on a single battery charge 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round

Vetted Performance Status



Unmanned Aerial Vehicles can cause injury or destroy property in case of a crash. The drone is therefore designed with a parachuteto ensure safe landing. It is also designed with encrypted communications, precision landing for additional safety.

Complementary Technical Systems

The logistics delivery system runs together with a Mercedes benz mini van to deliver goods to the user.

Academic Research and References

Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2017 Drone Delivery Models for Healthcare by Judy E. Scott University of Colorado Denver, USA and Carlton H. Scott University of California Irvine, USA

Matternet. n.d. “Matternet.” Tumblr. Accessed June 12, 2024. https://matternet.tumblr.com/

“Matternet.” n.d. Matternet. Accessed June 12, 2024. https://www.mttr.net/

N.d. Researchgate.Net. Accessed June 12, 2024. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Heike-Wuerbel/publication/318112866_Framework_for_the_evaluation_of_cost-effectiveness_of_drone_use_for_the_last-mile_delivery_of_vaccines/links/595a5811aca2728a137aafd8/Framework-for-the-evaluation-of-cost-effectiveness-of-drone-use-for-the-last-mile-delivery-of-vaccines.pdf

Dragolea, Nicholas. 2016. “9 Drones That Will Revolutionise Healthcare.” Doctorpreneurs. September 2, 2016. https://doctorpreneurs.com/9-drones-that-will-revolutionise-healthcare/

Dillow, Clay. 2015. “Meet Matternet, the Drone Delivery Startup That’s Actually Delivering.” Fortune. May 1, 2015. https://fortune.com/2015/05/01/matternet-drone-delivery/

Matternet. n.d. Accessed June 12, 2024. https://github.com/matternet 

Baruchin, Ido. 2017. Unmanned aerial vehicle. D776569:S1. US Patent, filed March 26, 2015, and issued January 17, 2017. https://patents.google.com/patent/USD776569S1/en?assignee=matternet 

“E4C Solutions Library.” 2023. Engineering For Change. June 19, 2023. https://www.engineeringforchange.org/solutions-library/

“Matternet.” n.d. Matternet. Accessed June 12, 2024. https://www.mttr.net/product

Biggs, John. 2015. “Matternet To Test The First Real Drone Delivery System In Switzerland.” TechCrunch, April 23, 2015. https://techcrunch.com/2015/04/23/matternet-to-test-the-first-real-drone-delivery-system-in-switzerland/

Compliance with regulations

The Swiss Federal Office for Civil Aviation (FOCA) has granted Matternet a certification allowing their delivery drones to fly autonomously over cities at any time of day or night.

Evaluation methods

Manufacturer cites weather perfomance, performance in GPS-denied environments, ‘sense and avoid’ as evaluation criteria. The drone has also been field tested in conjunction with Swiss post.

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