Updated on January 27, 2024


Created on October 5, 2020

Palintest Pooltester Kit

Palintest Pooltester kit is a water quality testing kit based on the colorimetric method.

Developed By
  1. Palinter
Content Partners


Product Description

Palintest Pooltester Kit is a visual water quality tester commonly used for pool water or a hot tub testing but is also used to test water quality in low-resource settings. The kit includes varieties of options for testing, including testing of pH, chlorine/bromine, alkalinity, cyanuric acid, and oxygen. This product is commercially available and is manufactured by a company called Palintest in the UK.

Target SDGs

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Market Suggested Retail Price


Target Users (Target Impact Group)


Distributors / Implementing Organizations

Palintest Pooltester Kit can be purchased through several online stores or by directly contacting the company's offices in the USA, UK, China, and Australia.

Manufacturing/Building Method

This Pooltester Kit is mass-manufactured in Palintest in the UK.

Intellectural Property Type

Select Type

User Provision Model

Users can purchase these products through various online websites such as eBay, Amazon UK, Hygiene4less, Oxfam, and Pool and spa center, UK.

Distributions to Date Status


Test types included

pH , chlorine, bromine, alkalinity, oxygen, cyanuric acid.

Equipment included

Pooltester kit and Palintest rapid reagent tablets

Tests per kit

Usually 10-20 but depends upon the test kit of different models with different water quality parameters

Detection range

pH 6.8 – 8.2
Free Chlorine 0.3/0.5 – 5mg/l
Total Alkalinity 0mg/ – 250mg/l
Bromine: 0.5 – 8 mg/l

Processing time for one sample (hr)

Few seconds

Additional materials required

Palintest refil tablets and a tablet crusher/stirrer

Power required (yes/no)


Complete kit weight (kg)

~0.1 kg

Design Specifications

The 0.1 kg Palintest Pooltester is designed for measuring the pH, chlorine, bromine, cyanuric acid, alkalinity, and sometimes oxygen of pools or hot tubs. However, this tester is also used for drinking water quality measuring in low resource settings. The color-coded kit contains two small water storage chambers for testing. Dissolving reagent tablets are poured into the water-filled chambers to make a chemical reaction and develop a coloring. The developed color is then compared with the adjacent color-coded measuring kit for the result. Moreover, the kit is also available in different modules such as: Active Oxygen/pH Pooltester SP626 Chlorine (0–5 mg/L)/pH/Alkalinity Pooltester SP612 Chlorine (0–3 mg/L)/pH/Alkalinity Pooltester SP614 Bromine/pH/Alk Pooltester SP616 Cyanuric Acid Pooltester SP620

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Users are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the product’s instructions and information. Users can contact Palintest for specific product and application questions.

Replacement Components

The Palintest Pooltester Kit demands replacement of the tablet reagents such as: Phenol Red - for pH DPD1 - for free/residual chlorine DPD3 - for total chlorine (used with DPD1)


The plastic color kit in itself is durable for a long time. However, the reagents utilized are for single use.

Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

Palintest Pooltester kits were designed to be a simple and cost-effective pool and hot tub testing method which is easy to use and handle with fast producing and reliable results.

Vetted Performance Status



No safety hazards reported till date by the use of the kit.

Complementary Technical Systems

Crush and stirring Rods

Academic Research and References

“Contact Us.” 2019. Palintest. March 13, 2019. https://www.palintest.com/contact-us/

“Palintest Pool Test Kits.” n.d. Poolandspacentre.Co.Uk. https://www.poolandspacentre.co.uk/products/palintest-pool-test-kits.html 

“Goal 6.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6

“Palintest Chlorine (0 3mg/l) /PH / Alkalinity Pooltester Kit.” n.d. EBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Palintest-Chlorine-0-3mg-l-pH-Alkalinity-Pooltester-Kit-/202750795838

Palintest Pooltester Your Two In One Reusable Pool Test For Hot Tubs, Jacuzzi, Swimming Pool or Spa. Measures Chlorine and PH Highly Accurate, Eco Friendly Alternative to PH Test Strips/PH Strips. n.d. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pooltester-pool-test-swimming-chlorine/dp/B00EKB11BW

“Technical Support.” 2019. Palintest. April 5, 2019. https://www.palintest.com/after-sales/technical-support/

“Water Test Reagents, Water Test Sensors & DPD Test.” 2019. Palintest. March 21, 2019. https://www.palintest.com/after-sales/reagents-and-sensors/?device=1001 

“Palintest.” n.d. Halma.Com. https://www.halma.com/our-companies/palintest-ltd

Compliance with regulations

Palintest complies with ISO 9001-2008 together with key national and international standards and approvals such as USEPA and ISO methods.

Evaluation methods


Other Information

Video by Oxfam

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