Updated on May 24, 2024


Created on June 13, 2017


ABALOBI is a co-designed & fisher-driven mobile app suite to transform small-scale fisheries governance ‘from hook to cook’.

Tested By
  • University of Cape Town
Content Partners


Product Description

Abalobi includes apps specific to the role of fisher, monitor, manager, co-operative and market in the small-scale fisheries sector. Abalobi is currently in a prototype stage.

ABALOBI is a registered non-profit organisation (191-303 NPO)

Target SDGs

SDG 1: No Poverty

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Household, Public Sector Agencies

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

University of Cape Town, South African National Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Manufacturing/Building Method

The entire codebase is published on GitHub

Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

A pilot process is currently active in six sites in South Africa, with large-scale roll out scheduled for late 2016.

Distributions to Date Status

This is limited during the pilot phase Android installs during pilot phase = 100-500

Mobile service required

Mobile internet, SMS

Devices required

Smart phone, tablet

Additional features required


Permanent network connectivity required


Two way communication (Y/N)


Level of coverage needed

2G, 3G, 4G, and LTE supported

Usage rate (%)


Literacy support


List of languages available


Operating system and version

Android OS 5.1 and up

Power Requirements

Occasional power supply for end users

mAgriculture Application

Connection to market, Education on sustainable practices, Weather information, Safety, Coop management

Design Specifications

Through the development of an integrated small-scale fisheries information-management system and mobile app suite, the ABALOBI initiative aims to enable small-scale fishers to drive and be integrated into information and resource networks – from fishery monitoring and maritime safety to local development and market opportunities. --Catch log & analytics - Fishers record various oceanic, atmospheric and fisheries parameters as part of their daily logbook, and utilize dashboards to visualize their data --Data share & export - Fishers own their data but can share with various fisheries stakeholders --Personal accountant - Overview of income & expenditure within dashboards --Safety-at-sea system - Navigational, weather prediction and SOS functionalities using mobile phone and VMS integration --Info hub - Latest fishing regulations, notices and management meeting outcomes --Catch reporting - Rendering community catch monitoring more effective using tablet-based technology --Analytics - Dashboards of data collected, per fisher and landing site --Fisheries analytics - Dashboards of community catch monitoring data for government managers and fisher data for local co-management committee members, as selectively shared by fishers --Co-op accounting & auditing - Collective accounting package for payment of members, and fleet income and expenditure calculations. --Traceability of sales - Traceable slowfish. By linking with fisher data from ABALOBI FISHER, sales of catches can be linked to origin --Member management - Skipper, crew member, fleet and processing establishment licensing and auditing are kept up to date, with renewal alerts --Integration with FinTech & InsureTech - Integration with online banking and invoicing platforms. Possibility for co-operatives to leverage collective insurance schemes --Virtual market live mapping - Live catch-of-the-day posted by fishers and co-operatives. Real-time spatial and catch data --Market prices & trends - Transparent product pricing and trends, based on posts and sales, available to fishers and retailers

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Provided by Abalobi team at no cost during pilot phase

Replacement Components

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

To better manage fishery stocks, empower SSF (Small-scale fishers), and increase climate change resiliency

Vetted Performance Status

As a part of the pilot program - Monitors 240 entries; Fishers more than 1000 entries - All the lobster catch for 3 sites: 16 tons - More than 7000 yellowtail by monitors, 8 ton caught by local fishers - More than 40 different species - White mussel not recorded by monitors - 10 000 Snoek in last month in Northern Cape - 8 ton of mullet from trek-net


Not applicable

Complementary Technical Systems

Salesforce, Heroku, Weather Dock

Academic Research and References

Petrik, Marko, and Dr Serge Raemakers. “The case for supporting small-scale fisheries governance through ICT.” (2018).

Aura, C.M., Nyamweya, C.S., et l, 2019. Using fish landing sites and markets information towards the quantification of the blue economy to enhance fisheries management. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 26(2), pp.141-152.

“ABALOBI – Elevating Small-Scale Fisheries Through Technology,” ABALOBI, 21-May-2020. https://abalobi.org/

Goal 1. (n.d.). Sdgs.Un.Org. Retrieved May 26, 2024, from https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal1 

Goal 12. (n.d.). Sdgs.Un.Org. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal12

ABALOBI – Elevating Small-Scale Fisheries Through Technology. (2020, May 21). ABALOBI. https://abalobi.org/

ABALOBI – Elevating Small-Scale Fisheries Through Technology. (2020, May 21). ABALOBI. https://abalobi.org/#pilot-sites 

AbalobiSA. n.d. Accessed May 28, 2024. https://github.com/AbalobiSA 

“ABALOBI Fisher.” n.d. Google.Com. Accessed May 28, 2024. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abalobi.app.fisher.interim.rsa 

“Salesforce: The Customer Company.” n.d. Salesforce. Accessed May 28, 2024. https://www.salesforce.com/.

“Cloud Application Platform.” n.d. Heroku.Com. Accessed May 28, 2024. https://www.heroku.com/.

“Safety Navigation Tracking Boat Monitoring.” 2021. High quality by Weatherdock. December 21, 2021. https://www.easyais.com/

“Sicherheit Navigation Tracking Bootsüberwachung.” 2021. High quality by Weatherdock. December 21, 2021. https://www.easyais.com/ 

Compliance with regulations

Small-Scale Fisheries Policy (SSFP)

Evaluation methods

Field trials

Other Information

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