Updated on June 11, 2024


Created on October 12, 2020


Kytabu is a textbook subscription app built to provide low-cost access to digitalized versions of all Kenyan textbooks from Standard 1 to Form 4.

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Product Description

Kytabu is a textbook subscription app built to provide low-cost access to digitalized versions of all Kenyan textbooks from Standard 1 to Form 4. The app allows users from low and middle-income families to rent a page, chapter, or full book for time periods varying between 1 hour and 1 year.

The app is accessible on any android smartphones and tablets and allows students to access many books at the fraction of the cost that they would pay when buying physical books. It also contains Formulas, Practice, Tests & Exams.

Target SDGs

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Market Suggested Retail Price


Target Users (Target Impact Group)


Distributors / Implementing Organizations

Kytabu Company Limited

Competitive Landscape

Direct competitors include M-Shule.

Manufacturing/Building Method


Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

Users can download the app from the Play Store.

Distributions to Date Status

As of 2018, there were 4,500 users of this app.

Design Specifications

Kytabu is a mobile application that provides books and other learning materials in Kenya. Students can find textbooks, interactive KCPE & KCSE exams, formulas, and test materials for all the grades in the Kenyan education curriculum in the app. The learning materials consist of digital copies of textbooks, audiobooks, and animated material. It contains books from Longhorn Publishers, Moran Publishers, KLB, Oxford, WordAlive, and hundreds of other content creators. Students pay a subscription of between one hour and one year to have access to books, specific chapters, or even pages. Digitized textbooks are stored in a microSD card, which is ‘latched’ to a SIM card and distributed as a single product as a tablet or dongle. This non-device-dependent product allows users to share different devices and continue using the content wherever they are.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Provided by the developers.

Replacement Components




Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

Kytabu aims to make textbooks more quickly accessible and affordable. This app is meant to be collaborative, fun, interactive, and accessible on mobile.

Vetted Performance Status



No known safety hazards are related to this product.

Complementary Technical Systems

Kytabu also offers a school management system that helps in human resource management,  fee payment, online exams, online library, accounting, school attendance, and teacher support. Kytabu also plans to partner with publishers and independent content creators to have their books or content available on Kytabu sometime in 2020.

Academic Research and References

“Kytabu Africa – AI in Kenyan Education.” n.d. Kytabu.Africa. Accessed June 11, 2024. https://kytabu.africa/

“Competitive landscape – Dawati.” 2020. Dawati | Online Education – The Best e-Learning Platform for High School Students in Kenya. April 24, 2020. https://dawati.co.ke/

“Competitive landscape – Dawati.” 2020. Dawati | Online Education – The Best e-Learning Platform for High School Students in Kenya. April 24, 2020. https://darasaonline.com/

“Goal 4.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal4

“Terms of Service.” n.d. Kytabu.Africa. Accessed June 11, 2024. https://kytabu.africa/terms-of-service/

“Somanasi.” n.d. Google.Com. Accessed June 11, 2024. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kytabu

“Super School – Kytabu Africa.” n.d. Kytabu.Africa. Accessed June 11, 2024. https://kytabu.africa/super-school-2/

Compliance with regulations

Kytabu is compliant with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development requirements.

Evaluation methods


Other Information

  1. Fundraising information
  2. YouTube channel.

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