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Updated on February 4, 2024
·Created on November 6, 2022
The Dhaara Smart ultrasonic water flow meter is a battery-powered device that can measure water flow, collect water usage data, detect tampering, and send updates via text, email, or web interface.
Dhaara Smart by Kritsnam Technologies is a commercialized telemetry-capable, battery-powered water flow meter that may be used for groundwater metering, water auditing for businesses, smart water utilities, and smart irrigation. The device includes weather protection, an LCD display, patented IoT, multi-year battery life, tamper-proof design, and ultrasonic meteorologic sensing.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Market Suggested Retail Price
Market Suggested Retail Price (Secondary Currency)
30,999 Indian Rupees
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Household, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Kritsnam Technologies is the main manufacturer, while IIT Kanpur developed the product.
Manufacturing/Building Method
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Users may request a quote or demo from Kritsnam Technologies.
Distributions to Date Status
The exact number is unknown, however, to date this product has been trusted by 34+ companies.
Description of system
A measuring meter with remote data collection and real-time data transmission features
Integrated treatment (yes/no)
System flow rate (L/min)
Variants starting from 105 L/min to 6667 L/min
Maximum number of customers served
Compatible water sources
Design Specifications
The Dhaara Smart flow meter includes IP68 rating all-weather protection, battery operation, inbuilt 4G/GPRS telemetry communication programs, and an online logbook. It has a tamper-proof, lease-to-install and low-maintenance design, and it can be calibrated in-house to the user’s exact system. The battery is a Li – SOCl2 battery at 3.6 V and 38 Ah capacity. The LCD display size is 60×40 mm. The product is offered in 1”, 1.5”, 2”, 2.5”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6”, and 8” diameter available sizes and uses either threaded connection or bolted flange connection depending on diameter size. The casing is made of cast iron, while the enclosure is ABS.
Technical Support
Kritsnam Technologies promises a 3 year warranty, with 3 years virtual support, and 3 years data backup.
Replacement Components
3 year battery life when transmissions occur every 12 hours, although this transmission frequency is customizable according to user needs.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The manufacturer designed the device to perform within +- 2 degrees of measurement accuracy.
Vetted Performance Status
Fluid Control Research Institute tested each model of the Dhaara Smart meter in the following categories: i) pressure tightness, ii) pressure loss, iii) resolution error, iv) and metering accuracy. The device passed all tests and remained within the acceptable range of performance values.
There are no moving parts within this device since it collects flow rate data using ultrasonic technology. As long as the devices are used within the specified operation conditions below, this device poses no known safety hazards.
Ambient Temperature Range: +5 °C to +55 °C.
Ambient Relative Humidity Range: 0% to 100%
Pressure Range: 0.03 MPa to 1.6 MPa
Complementary Technical Systems
Kritsnam Technologies also offers Dhaara Live, a data analytics software to manage water resources.
Academic Research and References
“Kritsnam Technologies,” Kritsnam.com. Available: https://kritsnam.com/product
Automation24.com. Available: https://media.automation24.com/manual/BA00082DEN_1917.pdf
“Goal 2,” Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal2
Instronline.com. Available: https://www.instronline.com/product_manual/DharaSmartUltrasonicWaterFlowMeter_7259.0-Flow-Meter.pdf
S. L. No, “Hkkjr ljdkj,” Kritsnam.com. Available: https://kritsnam.com/images/product/certificates/certificate-1.pdf
“Kritsnam Technologies,” Kritsnam.com. Available: https://kritsnam.com/product
Kritsnam.com. Available: https://kritsnam.com/images/product/certificates/certificate-0.pdf
P. H. Enterpises, “qs drfd Rir €Fqq-c, sTGtiFFTGt,” Kritsnam.com. Available: https://kritsnam.com/images/product/certificates/certificate-2.pdf
“Kritsnam Technologies,” Kritsnam.com. Available: https://kritsnam.com/software
Instronline.com. Available: https://www.instronline.com/product_manual/DharaSmartUltrasonicWaterFlowMeter_7259.0-Flow-Meter.pdf
Kritsnam Technologies, “Dhaara Smart Ultrasonic Flowmeter for real-time water metering and auditing,” 19-Nov-2020. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlXyv3VeUsM
Kritsnam Technologies.” Available: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2OjKPCJY3ehoCtJK2nmp0g/about
“Kritsnam Technologies,” Linkedin.com. Available: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kritsnamtechnologies/
Compliance with regulations
The device earned an ISO 4064:2014 Performance Certificate with regards to Metrology. Additionally, it is rated with ISO 4185-1980: “Measurements of Liquid flow in closed conduits using weighing method” performance testing by the Water Flow Laboratory (WFL). Kritsnam Technologies is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. The device is compliant with CGWA 2020 guidelines for groundwater extraction as well.
Evaluation methods
Evaluation criteria included surpassing standards for i) pressure tightness, ii) pressure loss, iii) resolution error, iv) and metering accuracy in third-party laboratories.
Other Information
Delivery time is usually between 15-30 days.
“Kritsnam (@KritsnamTech) / X,” Twitter. Available: https://twitter.com/KritsnamTech
“Kritsnam Technologies (@kritsnamtechnologies) • Instagram photos and videos,” Instagram. Available: https://www.instagram.com/kritsnamtechnologies/
“Facebook,” Facebook.com. Available: https://www.facebook.com/KritsnamTechnologies/
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