Updated on June 9, 2024


Created on October 8, 2018

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an online platform to provide free world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

Developed By
  1. Salman Khan
Tested By
  • Los altos district school
  • Oakland Unity High School
  • The government of Chile
Content Partners


Product Description

Khan Academy produces short lessons in the form of YouTube videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators. The website and its content are provided mainly in English, but the content is also available in other languages

Target SDGs

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Target Users (Target Impact Group)


Distributors / Implementing Organizations


Competitive Landscape

Direct competitors include Future School.

Manufacturing/Building Method


Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

Users can acquire this product by entering Khan Academy's web site, downloading their mobile app (available for iOS and android), or accessing their Youtube channel.

Distributions to Date Status

As of 2020, the platform has reached 70 million registered users across the globe.

Telecommunication service required

Internet, web and mobile services

Level of connection service needed

3G, 4G, LTE

Device(s) required

  • Any device to access to the online platforme.
  • iOS or Android for the mobile apps.

Additional features required


Permanent network connectivity required (Y/N[specify],Other [specify])

  • Yes; to access to online courses.
  • Learners can download the content and access it offline.

Two way communication (Y/N)


Usage rate (%)

Stanford Consulting Group ran a survey in 2015 that included the question, “Have you found Khan Academy meaningful to your education?”
Here’s the breakdown of students who replied yes:

  • 65% of Stanford students (out of 504 surveyed)
  • 57%of students in top schools including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, UPenn, UC Berkeley, Caltech, and MIT (159 surveyed)
  • 64% of first-generation college students (164 surveyed)

Literacy support (Y (specify) /N)

Yes: support community and help center.

Languages available (list)

English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, French, Bengali, Hindi, and German.

Operating system and version


Power requirements


eEducation application

  • Access to free online educational resources.
  • knowledge growth and better quality of education.
  • Engage more students and teachers in classrooms.

Design Specifications

Khan academy is an online education platform that provides free courses on multiples subjects such as math, history, science, and more. The platform has 3 main targets, students, teachers, and parents. Students can select, receive assignments, and track the status of their courses.  Teachers can assign courses for their students and track their status. And parents can create accounts for their children and control their progress in the selected courses. This product has a web version, and a mobile app (available on iOS, and Android). the users can also access the content in their youtube channels.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Provided by the developers.

Replacement Components




Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

Khan Academy aims to deliver free education to everyone, everywhere.

Vetted Performance Status

  • Students who complete 60% of their grade-level math on Khan Academy experience 1.8 times their expected growth on the NWEA MAP Test, a popular assessment test.
  • 20 hours of practice is associated with a 115-point average score increase from the PSAT/NMSQT to the SAT, nearly double the average gain of students who do not practice on Official SAT Practice.
  • Khan Academy reduces the number of remedial courses students need to take.
  • Student performance in algebra increases from the 76th percentile to the 94th percentile.
  • Students using Khan Academy experience double the growth of their peers.



Complementary Technical Systems


Academic Research and References

Valiente, J., Merino, J., Kloos, D., Delgado, C., 2015, ALAS-KA: A learning analytics extension for better understanding the learning process in the Khan Academy platform

Murphy, R., Gallagher L., 2014, Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools. SRI Education

Valiente, J., Merino, J., Kloos, D., Delgado, C., 2013, Inferring higher level learning information from low level data for the Khan Academy platform. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK ’13), Dan Suthers, Katrien Verbert, Erik Duval, and Xavier Ochoa (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 112-116.

Morrison, B., DiSalvo B., 2014., Khan Academy gamify computer science. Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education

“Competitive landscape – Learn the Latest Tech Skills; Advance Your Career.” n.d. Udacity.Com. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://www.udacity.com/

“Competitive landscape – Coursera.” n.d. Coursera. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://www.coursera.org/

Online Courses – Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy. n.d. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://www.udemy.com/

“Build New Skills. Advance Your Career.” n.d. EdX. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://www.edx.org/

“Khan Academy.” n.d. Khan Academy. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://es.khanacademy.org/

Jung, S. 2020. “Khan Academy.” Korean Medical Education Review. https://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademy

“Khan Academy.” n.d. Google.Com. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.khanacademy.android&hl=en

“The Amgen Foundation – Promoting Science Education & Literacy.” n.d. Amgen, Inc. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://www.amgenfoundation.org/

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “English Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 8, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Spanish Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 9, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Portuguese Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 9, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Hebrew Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 6, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Italian Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 6, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Russian Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 2, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Chinese Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. May 29, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Turkish Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 6, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “French Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 1, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Bengali Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 4, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_language

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “Hindi.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 8, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindi

Wikipedia contributors. 2024. “German Language.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. June 7, 2024. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_language

“Khan Academy Help Center.” n.d. Khanacademy.Org. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://support.khanacademy.org/hc/en-us

N.d. Amazonaws.Com. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://s3.amazonaws.com/KA-share/impact/learning-gets-personal.pdf

Khan Academy. 2017. “Studying for the SAT for 20 Hours on Khan Academy Associated with 115-Point Average Score Increase.” Khan Academy Blog. May 8, 2017. https://blog.khanacademy.org/studying-for-the-sat-for-20-hours-on-khan-academy/

N.d. Amazonaws.Com. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://s3.amazonaws.com/KA-share/impact/Results_and_Lessons_from_DMDP_Sept_2016.pdf

N.d. Amazonaws.Com. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://s3.amazonaws.com/KA-share/impact/Numeric+Results+2014.pdf

“Research.” n.d. Khan Academy Blog. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://blog.khanacademy.org/research/

Compliance with regulations


Evaluation methods

Different methods are used such as the improvement on test scores, Khan Academy has information available on several case studies.

Other Information

Khan Academy has gained recognition both nationally and internationally:

  • Bill Gates spoke about Khan Academy at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
  • In 2010, Google's Project 10100 provided $2 million to support the creation of more courses, to allow for translation of the Khan Academy's content, and to allow for the hiring of additional staff.
  • In November 2011, the Khan Academy received a $5 million grant from the Ireland-based O'Sullivan Foundation.
  • In April 2012, the founder and executive director of Khan Academy, Salman Khan, was listed among the Time 100 Most Influential People for 2012.
  • Khan was one of five winners of the 2014 Heinz Award. His award was in the area of "Human Condition."

Comments from the Community

1 Comment

  1. senka.Hadzic says:

    Academic research:
    Pedro J Muñoz-Merino, José A Ruipérez Valiente, Carlos Delgado Kloos, 2013. Inferring higher level learning information from low level data for the Khan Academy platform

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