November 30, 2024
AGNI Star Rice Husk Gas Stove
Read SolutionImplemented by
NDMI Renewable Energy Private Limited
Updated on January 10, 2024
·Created on November 29, 2018
Kuniokoa Stove is a natural-draft wood-burning rocket stove.
The Kuniokoa Stove is a natural-draft woodstove with a ceramic insulation developed by BURN Design Lab through a partnership with the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Washington. The product is distributed and manufactured by BURN Stoves.
Target SDGs
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Burn Stoves has an extensive distribution network, having partner distributors like Tuskys supermarkets, Pamoja Life and Livelyhoods across Kenya. It can also be bought online through Amazon, eBay and JUMIA.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include EzyStove Wood Cookstove, Envirofit M-5000, EcoZoom Dura, and Envirofit G-3300.
Manufacturing/Building Method
The Kuniokoa Stove is manufactured by a locally trained workforce at BURN Stoves´s Kenyan solar-powered factory. The manufacturing site consists of an assembly line and production batches of each part. For wire and sheet metal, pneumatic bending and clamping jigs along with welding and drilling jigs are used. Additionally, a hydraulic press is used for forming, press brakes for bending, spot welders for assembly and laser etching machine to make customized name-plates. A stamping-tooling developed by a company called Hiparter in China is used for the more complex metal-sheet parts to obtain BURN Stoves specifications.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Retail shops, middlemen, supermarkets, contracted distributors, partnerships with other product distributors. The main retail spots for shopping for Kuniokoa are supermarkets in Kenya like the Tuskys branches. Users can also obtain the product through the not-for-profit social enterprise LivelyHoods. BURN Stoves has additional chama networks, where the members sell the stoves in their communities for commission through credit options like the chama credit or BURN credit.
Distributions to Date Status
Exact number unknown. However, BURN Stoves has sold more than 400, 000 cookstoves since 2013 between their two main models: Jikokoa and Kuniokoa.
Fuel type
Biomass, wood
Chimney (yes/no)
Forced or passive
Pot type
Flat and round bottom
Pot capacity (L)
7 L
Thermal efficiency (%)
PM emissions (g/MJ delivered to pot)
0.1 g/MJ
CO emissions (g/MJ delivered to pot)
1.9 g/MJ
Time to boil (min/L)
27 min per 5 L
Design Specifications
The Kuniokoa Stove is a natural-draft rocket wood-burning stove and it's design is composed of a radiation shield and solid insulation as well of a high alloy stainless steel feed chamber, combustion chamber and riser. The stove is equipped with primary and secondary airflows to benefit the combustion process.
Maximum Pot Capacity: 7 L
Dimensions (l/w/h): 280/280/320 mm
Technical Support
47 Nationwide repair stations across Kenya. Full time customer care team.
Replacement Components
Not available.
3 years.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
Manufacturers specify a high power efficiency of 37%, high efficiency cook top, light weight construction, 31% less fuel used, reduction of emissions by 72% and 55% of savings on firewood as their performance targets.
Vetted Performance Status
The Department of Chemistry Laboratories from the University of Nairobi conducted the approved simulation of the cooking process, the Water Boiling Tests (WBT). The tests showed above average values for the measures of:
The safety concerns associated with the usage of wood-burning cookstoves are primarily related with carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide emissions.
Another significant safety concern is domestic accidents such as accidental burning or spill-overs.
Complementary Technical Systems
Academic Research and References
2018. BURN Manufacturing Case Study: Where are the women in the energy sector? Partnership on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Renewables.
2017. Women’s Empowerment Fund Case Study – BURN Manufacturing. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
2016. Beyond dialogue: Building sustainable and inclusive business models in partnership with social entrepreneurs. University of Oxford.
Be a Distributor. n.d. Burn Stoves.
Pamoja Life Limited. n.d. Clean Cooking Alliance.
LivelyHoods. n.d. Clean Cooking Alliance.
About. n.d. Burn Stoves.
benchapman4. 2018. BURN Kuniokoa Wood Stove. Ben Chapman. January 28, 2018.
Qingdao Hiparter Trade Co.,Ltd. Supply Stamping Dies, Progressive Dis, Plastic Moulds, Machining Parts. n.d.
Burn Design Lab. 2024. The Kuniokoa. Burn Design Lab.
Clean Cooking Alliance – Clean Cooking Catalog: Results Report – Kuniokoa. n.d. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves . 2014. The Water Boiling Test (Version 4.2.3): Cookstoves Emissions and Efficiency in a Controlled Laboratory Setting. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
International Standards Organization (ISO). n.d. Home. ISO.
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. 2013. Interim Reporting Requirements for IWA Tiers of Performance. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
About. n.d.
Compliance with regulations
Complies with the following cookstoves rating for the International Workshop Agreements as a streamlined process of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO):
Evaluation methods
Water Boiling Test 4.2.3.
Other Information
BURN Stoves also manufactures the well renowned Jikokoa charcoal stove.
November 30, 2024
Implemented by
NDMI Renewable Energy Private Limited
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