Updated on June 4, 2024


Created on June 14, 2017



Epicollect5 is an open-source mobile and web application for data collection

Tested By
  • Imperial College London
Content Partners


Product Description

Epicollect5 is an open-source mobile and web application for data collection. It provides both the web and mobile application for the generation of forms (questionnaires) and available hosted project websites for data collection. Data are collected (including GPS and media) using multiple devices and all data can be viewed on a central server (via map, tables and charts). Information required can be exported in csv and json format. The mobile app is available for both Android (4.4+) and iOS (8+). This app is the evolution of Epicollect and Epicollect+ (Plus).

Target SDGs

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Public Sector Agencies, NGOs

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

Imperial College London, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Competitive Landscape

Direct competitors include iFormBuilder, SurveyCTO, Open Data Kit, and CommCare.

Manufacturing/Building Method

Epicollect5 is a software platform build on HTML5.

Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

The Epicollect5 web platform is available for access. The Android app can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and the iOS app can be downloaded on the Apple Store.

Distributions to Date Status


Mobile service required

Epicollect5 requires minimum 2G connection for app users to connect to platform to receive information , forms and others and transmit data to the servers.

Device(s) required

Mobile cellphone required.

Additional features required


Permanent network connectivity required

Connection is not required permanently, however, when the forms are going to be fill and upload to server databases permanent connection is required.

Type of applications for data collection

Epicollect5 works with Smartphone and Tablet apps, and Web-based application.

Level of mobile data coverage needed

Epicollect5 requires minimum 2G connection for app users to connect to platform to receive information , forms and others and transmit data to the servers.

Type of data collected

Data is stored in Epicollect5 platform and can be exported in JSON and CSV.

Usage rate (%)

Not specified.

Literacy support

Full User Guide can be found here.

Languages available

The app is currently available in English.

Operating system and version

For iOS users: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. App has a file size of 22.23 MB. For Android users: Requires 4.4 or later.

Power Requirements

Occasional power supply for end users and system administrators

Application of mobile data collection

M&E, Survey for project management, Household surveys for Health, Ag, financial inclusion, water, education, academic research survey, impact evaluation, market research, other

Design Specifications

Epicollect5 is an online software. Users need to create an account to start using the app – including mobile forms config, data collection, data visualization, etc.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Full User Guide can be found online. To report issues and bugs or get more info, users can consult the Epicollect5 community and post under the appropriate category

Replacement Components




Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters


Vetted Performance Status

After evaluation of existing data collection/processing solutions and their field testing in Kenya, Tanzania and Senegal, Epicollect5 has been selected as the data collection tool for the Emerging Pandemic Threats Phase 2 (EPT-2) Program conducted by FAO and funded by USAID. This app is the evolution of Epicollect and Epicollect+ (Plus).



Complementary Technical Systems


Academic Research and References

Aanensen DM, Huntley DM, Feil EJ, al-Own F, Spratt BG (2009) EpiCollect: Linking Smartphones to Web Applications for Epidemiology, Ecology and Community Data Collection. PLOS ONE 4(9): e6968. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0006968

Yadav, P. and Darlington, J. (2016). Design Guidelines for the User-Centred Collaborative Citizen Science Platforms. Cornell University Library

White, E., Basford, L., Birch, S., Black, A., Culham, A., McGoff, H., Lundqvist, K., Oppenheimer, P., Tanner, J., Wells, M. and Mauchline, A. (2015) Creating and implementing a biodiversity recording app for teaching and research in environmental studies. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 1 (1). ISSN 2055-4990

“Free and Easy-to-Use Mobile Data-Gathering Platform.” n.d. Epicollect.Net. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://five.epicollect.net/

“Distributors/implementing organizations.” n.d. Imperial College London. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ 

“Distributors/implementing organizations.” n.d. FAOHome. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://www.fao.org/home/en/ 

“Distributors/implementing organizations.” n.d. U.S. Agency for International Development. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://www.usaid.gov/

“Competitive landscape: A Free and Open Source SMS Framework.” n.d. RapidSMS: A Free and Open Source SMS Framework. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://www.rapidsms.org/

“Goal 9.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. Accessed May 29, 2024. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal9

“Epicollect5 Data Collection.” n.d. Google.Com. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.ac.imperial.epicollect.five

“?Epicollect5.” n.d. App Store. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://apps.apple.com/es/app/epicollect5/id1183858199 

“What Is Epicollect5.” n.d. Epicollect.Net. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://docs.epicollect.net/

Google. n.d. “New Community Features for Google Chat and an Update on Currents.” Google Workspace Updates. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/04/new-community-features-for-google-chat-and-an-update-currents%20.html 

“Animal Production and Health Division (NSA).” n.d. Fao.Org. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://www.fao.org/agriculture/animal-production-and-health/en/

Compliance with regulations

Local regulation on information privacy rights and policies needs to be reviewed where implementation and usage is taking place.

Evaluation methods


Other Information


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